Töki Pompos

I went to the Christmas Market here in Budapest 2 weeks ago and it inspired me to try this Hungarian specialty, “Töki Pompos”.  This could be referred to as a Hungarian pizza (maybe).

Traditional and simple food, but a big favourite even nowdays.  There is always the longest queue at the Töki Pompos stand.  It has it’s own website, but only in Hungarian: http://www.tokipompos.hu/.  I took the recipe from there, and modified it a little bit.




300 g fine flour (or 200 g fine flour and 100 g all purpose flour)
1/4  l milk      Toki_pompos_ingredients
20 g yeast
1 tsp of sugar
1 tsp of salt
1 potato (cooked)
1 tbsp of oil
1 sour cream (175 g)
1 red onion
1 garlic clove
100 g bacon
100 g cheese


1) Warm the milk a little bit and combine with sugar and yeast and leave it to ferment.

2) Meanwhile, mix the flour, salt and grated potato. Add the yeast mixture and make the dough. Add a little milk if necessary. Leave it in a warm place until it rises. This will take approximately 30 mins.


3) Pre-heat the oven to 200 °C.  Butter the baking sheet and sprinkle with flour. Roll the dough and place it on the baking sheet and brush with oil.


4) Bake for 15 minutes and in the meantime mix sour cream with garlic, chopped onion, bacon and grated cheese. You can roast the bacon a little bit.

5) Take out the dough from the oven. Brush with the sour cream mixture, add grated cheese, onion and bacon on the top. Bake for another 15-20 minutes.Toki_pompos_method_6

6) Tastes great with hot wine 🙂

2 Responses

  1. I was at the Christmas Market at Vorosmarty Ter in Budapest last year and thought the Toki Pompos smelled fantastic but never got round to actually trying it, so have been looking for recipes to make it, which I’m now delighted to have found! I will keep this and give it a go….

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